Kenapa saya Simpan Silver
Ada 5 sebab kenapa ramai masyarakat antarabangsa pilih silver
1) Pengeluaran Silver mining tidak mencukupi untuk memenuhi permintaan silver sekarang.
Silver selaluny ada produk samping dalam pelombongan seperti copper, lead, zinc and gold. Maka melombong Silver adalah bonus bagi syarikat pelombongan.
2) Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Sejagat e.g. China & India - resulting to more goods (esp electronic goods) beingproduced. Silver is the indispensable metal in most electronic goods (e.g. handphones, films, jewellery) as it is the most electrically conductive, thermally onductive and reflective.
3) Penurunan harga USD (US, Euro) - With confidence dwindling in fiat currencies such as US dollars and Euros, people and investors are turning to real money which have withstood centuries, such as gold and silver.
4) Rising tide in investing demand - Gold and silver, are also known as commodities. Recently, there have been an increase in commodities demand. Emas dah harga tinggi 1266 usd/oz berbanding dengan harga paling tinggi adalah 1920usd/oz and silver, seakan komoditi terpencil macam anak tiri dari Emas akan menyebabkan permintaan terhadap silver tinggi dan apabila semua orang sudah sedar bahawa harga emas sekarang adalah terlalu tinggi.
5) Gold and silver price ratio have always been 1:16. Sekarang ini ratio emas/silver is 1:73 ( Emas pada kadar 1266 usd/oz dan Silver 17.32usd/oz)
Apparently, there are potential for silver prices to move closer to that of gold's as silver are becoming more rare compared to gold in the current era.